Thursday, April 10, 2008


I am not sure where to start; it has been so long since I have published anything. I guess I can start by saying that I recently had my first child, that may explain the hiatus in my writing, as many of you (especially women) probably know it is a rather time consuming thing. Sophia Jasmine was born five days ago here in Panama City; she weighed six and a half pounds and was 50 centimeters long, which is apparently the average. I neglected to say anything in the blog because I am rather wary of speaking too soon, but now that I can hold her in my hand I feel that I am ready to present her to the world. I am sure there are a million questions that are going through your head, the first one probably being, how the hell did this happen. Well that is quite a story in itself one not easily explained in a blog, the story will be much easier over a beer, so if you catch up with me anytime soon the first one is on you and I will tell you a great story. There surely will be many stories to come in what will be a rather interesting life of my little sweetheart Sophia.

Is that the Doctor or the Daddy

A beautiful woman and some guy

Some things in life just are not fair, poor horse.

Some times there just are not any words.

How many people does it take to fix a beer truck

The beautiful Darien


At 6:05 PM , Blogger Sara said...

Ahhh! I'm so excited! Sendy really is gorgeous! I can't wait to meet both her and Sophia. Keep posting photos!

Hope to see you guys at least in the next year!

Your sister

At 10:39 AM , Blogger Ryan Flanigan said...

Hey Godson, CONGRATS!!!!!! I was hoping Sophia would be born on my birthday, the 9th, but close enough. Does this mean I am a "Grand Godmother"?
Give my love to the baby and tell Sendy I hope I get to meet her someday. Can't wait for more pictures and blogs!
Yours truly,
Godmudder Mary (remember calling me this when you were little?)

At 7:20 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Jack, This is a little late but congratulations on your new job, being a new father. I guess my job as a father keeps me pretty busy and haven't got a chance to look at your blog much. I did hear the news from you mom though. Look forward to meeting the new family members at some time down the road.

Uncle Bill

At 7:37 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Daddy Jack! we are overwhelmed with how much your life has prospered! Congratulations doesn't seem to say enough...Sophia is beautiful, looking forward to seeing more pic's! How's everything going, now that you've had a few months to adjust?I hope you, Sendy and baby are doing really well. You have been in our thoughts a lot. Really, really happy for you! Continue on a safe journey abroad and hope we get to meet your family one day.Many blessings, much love. The Blackmons

At 6:42 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

hey, hope all is well. My brother Ben and a friend of his Jesse are headed to Panama, today actually, but will be traveling around for 2 months. I gave him your blog address and e-mail. Hopefully you guys can link up! He's flying into Panama City. he's under facebook, under ben wheeler, fayetteville AR.if you want to try him thru that as well. I'm not even sure where your at in Panama.....blessings to you and urs! how's that sweet little girl doing? Our baby is due dec. 21st. 10 weeks left, and it's a BOY~carl sais waz up. Take care Panama Jack!

At 1:37 PM , Blogger Milons Blog said...

Hay jack
thanks god that atlast i cought u. I try to found ur address from many man. But faild. Atlast i see ur blog.can u remember me? I am milon.ham radio ...
Try to remember and give me a mail


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