Friday, October 14, 2005

Today is my day off, so I am here trying to put some more pictures on my blog. It seemed to be successful yesterday, we will see how it goes today. Some days it is really easy to make it to the internet cafe, some days it just seems like there are not enough hours in the day. I realize that most of my pictures do not involve people, but it makes me a little uncomfortable to pull out a piece of equipment that cost as mush as some peoples homes. So anyways I try to be alittle discreet about the way I use my camera. The sun sets are by far and away the most beautiful I have ever seen, every night it is fantastic. Like this first picture, I took this when I went on a boat ride with some friends. This picture was taken right before the motor broke down. So I was sitting there watching the sun go down with the realization that we were about ten miles from home and it was about to get dark. It took the guy about an hour to fix the motor in the dark, and then we went about our way. So we navigated this river in the dark, well there was moonlight so it was kind of light. The animals that come out at night in the river are pretty freaky looking in the dark. Despite my intuition I swam anyways, people thought I was crazy. It inspired about four other people to jump in, out of all five of us only one got sick. So it worked out pretty well.
The picture on the left is of the Bazaar downtown. It is pretty wild, in the picture it is fairly calm. But on some days it is nuts. Especially when they are doing construction, because everytime that they start to tear up the road it rains, hard hard hard. So the whole thing will turn into mud in the matter of about twenty minutes. I how I love sweet Bangladesh.
The third picture, if it loads, is of some housing on the side of the river. They are real living conditions, things that I would have never experienced in the states. These are really interesting people to talk to, their lives are so simple it is beautiful. Sometimes they invite me in for tea, it is a real experience sitting and enjoying a conversation with them. It is great practice for my Bangla. Most people in our group are ekind of leary of these things, health and safety being the primary concerns. But I figure that I am living in Bangladesh, I might as well not hold anything back. Besides, if gain the respect of the common people then it will make my stay much easier.


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