Sunday, October 02, 2005

So I found out where I will be posted for the next two years, was I surprised. It is a small town called Kurigram, it is sixty miles south of Bhutan and one hundred miles east of Nepal. It is about ten miles from the Indian border, ha. Talk about remote, it is way up north. It is also the poorest district in all of Bangladesh, but that is something that I dont quite understand yet. It is like comparing death with death, it is all poor, in this country I dont see how they can differentiate. But I guess they do. It turns out that this area is the one of the strongholds against the current government, I guess it is safer under the wing of the dragon (hopefully). It was the heart of the resistence against Pakistan in the 70's, and now they still represent the resistence against whatever??? So the political situation up there should be really interesting, if it can be called that. I find it interesting that I have gone from the most affluent nation in the world to quite possibly the poorest nation in the world, and in that nation I am going to the poorest place. Oh sweet irony. It should be a really good experience. IT is really beautiful in the area, I visited the area last month, it is really rural. If such a place can exisit in a country of 144 million people all stuffed into a place roughly the size of Iowa.
Anyways, Karen my email is
I have not recieved any packages, but who knows about that stuff. This is one of the only places in the world that Fedex will not guarentee delivery, so what does that say about the public mail system.
And shada shoitan means the "white devil." I learned that one pretty quick,
"ami shada shoitan na" -- I am not the white devil, clutch statement in a Muslim society.
Until heavy long time in the tommorrow, shada shoitan signing off.


At 10:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that they can post advertisements in a blogs comments. Thats horrible. Anyways Jack, you really should post some photos. I'm eager to see your place of living in all of it's extremes.


At 2:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to hear about the soccer match last Monday.

At 10:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jack,

Sounds like you're having a pretty intense time over there. Animal sacrifices would definitely let you know you're not in (ar)Kansas any more.

If you ever see a tiger in your room in the middle of the night and you think you might be having one of those lucid dreams, you should probably run anyway (just to be on the safe side) :-)

Summer is just about over here, the nights feel like fall: there's a little crispness in the air.

I went and saw Wilco in Tulsa at Cain's Ballroom a couple of weeks ago. It was a great show. Jeff Tweedy (the singer/genius dude) gave a little speech during one of the encores about people who are scared of change and just trying to hang on to what they have/know versus people who try to make things a little better in the world, in whatever way they can. I'd say you're definitely in the latter category.

Anyway, stay safe and squeeze everything out of what must be an amazing experience.



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